Friday, August 20, 2010


These Teaballers as you put it are a direct response to the many activists groups organized by the left to cause trouble for the Republicans. Some of these left wing activists groups are among the nastiest groups that you’ll ever encounter. Rush Limbaugh was a single voice that echoed a very popular sentiment that was suppressed by the DNC, the media and all of these other left wing activist groups that put this country in a strangle hold using anything at there disposal in order to accomplish this underground high jacking of America, including dealing with our country’s worst enemies. So anyone that speaks out against the left to expose them for what they are, as Rush does, will be automatically held to a different standard, and their name will be dragged through the mud, demonized, and destroyed. The ones that know why it’s so important to ruin these people are the same ones that high jacked this country by using the networks and the media to control the thinking of the masses. If you ever ask any of these people that are controlled by this socialist propaganda machine, they will say something like, “What I don't understand is why so many people let themselves be the puppets.” Because they can’t see that they are being used and controlled, and it’s a scary situation once you can see it for what it is.

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