Friday, June 25, 2010

“undocumented settlers”

Doug Hardy, I understand your concern that the people that are here lawfully may be affected by the stigma attached to the word illegal. At the risk of sounding callous, this might be an advantage, because the people that are here legally resent the fact that those who did not use the proper means to enter this country make them look bad. This will help contain the situation. I know that I’m being used in this way for reasons that are much less honorable than this. Common sense will tell you why many of these “undocumented settlers” are really here, and why we can use every advantage we can get.

Don’t worry too much

Tom you are the most amazing person. You come up with idea after idea that will solve any and all the problems that this world is faced with. Don’t worry too much about these other people that shoot you down mercilessly using legitimate and well-founded arguments. They’re just trying to steal your glory by pointing out all of your abrasive haughty comments and the fact that you write before you think things through. That’s just part of your charm and another reason so many people like what you do. After reading your letters we realize that no matter how much the world makes us feel like an insignificant meaningless blowhard, you shout it out to all of humanity in the loudest manner possible, that this is who I am and I’m proud of it. Tom you are an inspiration to me, but I don’t think the idea about using the oil to pave the roads would ever get off the ground once the intangibles are figured in.

“Patient Protection and Affordable Care”

I love the way these Democrats use their words to convince the public that the Republicans are trying to take something away from them. Even when they’re writing these laws it’s worded in such a way that if you oppose “Patient Protection and Affordable Care” then you have to be the bad guy. How about this one; A conclusion that the Act violates the Commerce Clause would require a reversal of over 70 years of settled Commerce Clause jurisprudence and doctrine extending back through the creation of Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid and countless other vital and popular federal programs that have been the law of the land for decades”. Then I guess Blumenthal must be right because he’s the one with a Harvard education, we’re just a bunch of idiots. Who in their right mind would ever even think about messing around with, “countless other vital and popular federal programs” Then he makes it sound like he was actually looking into the possibility of joining the lawsuit, but after carefully weighing all the facts he decided to fight for the people to insure that the Republicans can’t take away “Patient Protection and Affordable Care” from the people.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The age old question

I find this whole matter a trifle bit presumptuous. Wouldn’t you say? Exploring the scores of intangibles. It is utterly inconceivable that we as mere mortals can arrive at a solitary conclusive proposal that will solve the various reservations and concerns of our forefathers. However, conjecture alone may not be enough to satisfy the eternal question that has plagued kings and scholars alike throughout the centuries. The eternal question being; if we were to kill all the lawyers, would it solve all of our problems?

Plato, and Aristotle were in mutual agreement, it would in fact solve the majority of the world’s tribulations. However, we must all bear in mind that metaphysics was the foundation of their philosophy. The significance of that belief being, that humans exist for a greater purpose, the ultimate reality, or in layman’s terms, heaven can be achieved here on earth.

When Nietzsche came on the scene centuries later, he shaped, transformed, and then implemented the vision that lawyers provide an essential function, and that is to maintain a certain level of angst, resentment, and antipathy among the populace. Hence, he was considered to be the father of the philosophy known as existentialism, which in effect means, we are here to serve ourselves.

I believe that heaven can be achieved here on earth, but not without killing all of the lawyers first.

Friday, June 18, 2010

How I would describe him

Lowell Weicker Described by Time magazine as the gutsiest governor in America. That’s not exactly how I would describe him. He was elected as governor because he told the people what they wanted to hear, he promised no tax increases, then as soon as he was elected he raised the taxes like he said he wouldn’t do, the people of Connecticut remembered that on election day. He made a big name for himself during the Nixon administration by turning on his own party, he was so enthusiastic about exposing the corruption in the white house, not because he cared or believed Nixon was that bad, but because he knew his name would become a household word. The countries perception of him was that of a maverick that does the right thing even if it means going against his own party. If you really think about it, what Nixon did was fairly tame compared to some of the things that Clinton did, and I’m not talking about the Lewinsky scandal. So we as Americans take the whole Watergate scandal at face value because we have to for some reason. If we ever rationally thought about it we would see it for what it is, propaganda. Nixon’s biggest crime was that he wasn’t on top of things enough to see that he was being set up, he gave in to the left more than he should have, thinking that he would be perceived as a reasonable president. The Democrats saw him as naive and weak, they set him up and have been gorging themselves on political blood ever since.

Take a few steps back

Dave, Did you get this dialog from a Mel Brooks movie or did you come up with that on your own? You say exactly what we are all programmed to believe and say. Take a few steps back and look at it as if you were an objective observer skeptical of the force fed information we have to take. Think how convenient it was that Jim McDougal died when he did and Ron Brown same thing. What was file-gate all about? Isn’t that where they used the FBI to dig up dirt on everyone and anyone that might be able to give him trouble? Clinton was so, much more corrupt it makes me wonder what they must have done to get him elected in the first place. I said specifically “I’m not talking about the Lewinsky scandal.” He did get nailed on that and rightfully so. I’m talking about the other things that he got away with by turning the country on its ear and launching missiles at other countries to get out of this one and that one. Just think about this, how many different methods did he use to get out of all of these predicaments. Once you figure that one out you’ll know where I’m coming from.

Someone we can all relate to

John Kerry is someone we can all relate to, he was born to a lower middle class family. He’s not Irish but he is Catholic or he is now. He worked his way through college and did so well at local community college that he was given a full scholarship to Yale then went on to Harvard for his post graduate work. At that time he was called to duty, knowing that his country needed him. Without hesitation he enlisted into the Navy as a lowly boatswain mate, almost immediately he was found to possess astonishing leadership skills along with an exceptional natural ability to dissect the different strategies of our enemies, which were the Chinese and the North Vietnamese at the time. So the U.S. Navy recognizing John Kerry’s extraordinary talents decided to cut through bureaucratic red tape and they bumped him up to lieutenant from a seaman. Shortly after John Kerry was given his commission he intercepted important encrypted transmissions between the Chinese and the North Vietnamese, he broke the code and was able to thwart their plans to destroy about sixty five percent of our fleet. Needless to say, without John Kerry we probably wouldn’t have won that war. Anyone that has besmirched his reputation is un-American and should be considered to be an enormous threat to our country.

We are all victims

Dave, and Jim, I can see that nothing will ever change as long as they have people like you two reciting the same old rhetoric that is designed to keep everyone confused, baffled, and befuddled. Do you know that you are doing this, or are you just reacting, unaware that the propaganda machine is real and your comments are proof of that? When you use those phrases like conspiracy theories, lets move on, or anything that will put the focus back on sex it is all intended to muddy up the water so now it all sounds like garbage. You bring up these bogus facts that maybe you read somewhere that kind of makes you sound smart until they are looked into, then you find out they are just half truths or outright lies. I urge you all to examine your own thought process, then hopefully we can begin to purge the American mentality, so we can rise above the nonsense that clouds our rational mind. We are all victims of it!

Wolf Sheep

I saw Lowell Weicker on TV years ago, I believe it was after he was forced into retirement. He said I have to laugh when I hear people say that all politicians are crooks and liars because we represent the people that elected us. That is not an exact quote, but it’s pretty close. That’s pure arrogance! Now we’re asking, “What would Lowell Weicker do” like he’s someone we should look to for answers. He was considered to be a liberal republican, that in itself should have told us all what he really is. That’s like saying he’s an orange apple or a wolf sheep. That’s the kind of lock the democrats have on this area, if you’re not a democrat then you are a wolf sheep.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The person I’m talking about

If you think that your letter was intelligent and well written then that says something about who you are. The impression that I get from that letter is that you think your opinion is more important than other peoples, psychologists call that a grandiose self image. You almost certainly recognize that you are so common and ordinary that you go to extremes to prove to everyone just how extraordinary you are. Of course few if anyone really buys it, so you have to shoot everyone else down to reinforce your over inflated self image by repeatedly using nasty words to describe them, words like stupid, moron, dumb, and coward. Since you attached your name to this letter, then Tom Latina is the person I’m talking about.

“Let's move on!”

Do you remember when Bill Clinton was president? How about, does that jog any memories? The DNC has a system in place that is designed to control the masses, it’s a propaganda machine and we are all victims of it. When you come to the realization that we are all being used in this way, I hope it makes you as angry as it makes me. Rational thinking and the truth can be quite an inconvenience to someone like Richard Blumenthal, he would much rather make it all just go away. The one that wrote “embellishment” knows what this is and is a part of it, you can tell because his comment was clear, well written and he used that catch phrase “Let's move on!” which has a purpose, it’s a trigger that is set up to put their machine into motion in order to accomplish their goal, and that is to make it all just go away.

Maybe it was just a dream!

This is a dilemma because one way, the short term would mean that the politicians could never get situated because they’re always on the campaign trail so their focus will be on getting reelected instead of doing their job. On the other side, the long term would give them plenty of time to set themselves up in a way that makes it impossible to get them out of there, so now they are an institution that can’t be messed with. They have the time and the means to create a dynasty, now it’s not just the person, but also the family, so the position is handed down from generation to generation. It’s been said, I’m not sure if this is true, but it used to be like jury duty the civil servants were appointed and it was their civic duty to accept these positions. Maybe it was just a dream!

Different shades of purple

I see signs that the Democrats are beginning to lose their grip on this area, like the Republican Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts taking the seat away from the Democrats, and Susan Bysiewicz, being refused the opportunity to run for Attorney General, which was a shocker for allot of people including her and me. The Democrats are still very powerful here, this whole area from Boston down to Baltimore could be considered if not the heart, then maybe the left ventricle of the heart of their machine. Although I believe that what the Republicans stand for is more honorable than what the democrats stand for, I would still worry about them if they were to take over this area, because I believe that they would use this machine in the same sort of way. The best thing to do is to take equal proportions of blue Democrats, and red Republicans to turn this area purple, so neither side is too powerful. That’s best for everyone except for the handful that really knows the scam and benefit from it. Keeping Richard Blumenthal from getting elected to the senate would be a giant step in this direction.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The way it is

What would happen if we legalized all drugs? For starters the drug cartels and the mob would lose a big chunk of their power and influence over the people, so the “Bad Guys” would practically be a non-issue. We would probably have plenty of room in our jails because most of the people in jail are there for drug related crimes. We wouldn’t need as many policemen, FBI Agents, DEA Agents etc., this means smaller government, less control imposed on the public which translates into an easier life for everyone. So why don’t they do it? Because if you’re part of the controlling class then you like it this way, the more everyone has to fight and struggle the better off they are, so they don’t want to change it. Of course they have their pat response to that question that is designed to make you think that their reasons are righteous, but the truth is, it’s all intended to keep us fighting, so they can stay on top, that’s all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam

Why would the New York Times break a negative story about their golden boy Blumenthal? Linda McMahon must have sent her wrestling buddies that are half crazed on steroids to rough up the executives at the Times, now they’re so afraid of her they will print anything she tells them to. On the other hand maybe the Democrats leaked the story to her so it would appear to everyone that Linda McMahon is responsible for this, realistically she doesn’t have the money or the power even with the support of the RNC to get this done unless of course the Democrats were behind it. The Democrats love this guy, that means the Times loves this guy, and they know what could ruin his chances of getting elected. I’m sure this is damage control of some kind. Maybe they published this story when they did to get it out in the open so by the time the elections come around it will be forgotten or dismissed.

The Real Scum

When everyone says negative things about a person it will adversely affect their life. The people doing it either know why they’re doing it, or they are prompted to do it. If you are prompted to do it, then you are being used by the ones that know why the want it done. The fact that they use this comment section to destroy the people in our community is an indication that they know exactly what they’re doing while making it look like it’s just another comment. These people disgust me they are the real slime. They start terrible rumors and get everyone to believe the lies they are generating in order to put them or keep them on the bottom so they can use them to ruin more people to make themselves bigger or more important to the ones they’re doing it for. You people are the real problem, you are the real scum.

Chris Murphy a politician that really cares.

Chris Murphy is the best most caring person in the whole wide world. I love this guy, he’s a politician that really cares, a true humanitarian that puts the little people ahead of his own ambitions, someone we can all count on to do what’s right for the people of this state and South Korea too. It doesn’t matter where you’re from because Chris Murphy loves everyone and is willing to pick up that phone and call the right people to fix any problem that you have. Thank god for Chris Murphy. He’s not looking to boost his poll numbers, or trying to put on a show to gain votes. He’s just a politician that really cares and performs one selfless act of kindness after another. Thank god for Chris Murphy a politician that really cares.

Dr. Phil

The person writing the majority of these comments has a deeply rooted problem. Years of therapy may or may not be able to straighten out his warped view of life. He believes that he controls the world, but at the same time he knows that he’s just a scared tiny person, so he lashes out at others in the most sneaky of ways because he knows confrontation will ultimately expose him for what he is, a scared tiny person. Every day he is reminded of all his quirks, shortcomings, and inadequacies so he creates a world where he’s in control, he’s the boss, and convinces himself that everyone else believes it too. People like this can be dangerous at times because they put so much time into creating this make believe world that anything that might expose the true nature of his convoluted mind could push him over the edge, and he could go berserk. He needs to come in and see me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wellington Farnsworth III (final)

I have been informed that your agent has advised you to decline the offer we have made you. I completely understand, as you are someone with an extraordinary talent, and very much in demand. Therefore, you undoubtedly have numerous options set before you. However, allow me to point out that your agent has never attended a college, and has no degree of any kind. Consequently, he may not have the intellect to discern the true ramifications of the decision he wishes you to make. Because this decision is of the utmost importance to you, I took the liberty of having your agent looked into and found him to be somewhat of a dubious character. He has been arrested a number of times mostly involving drugs and alcohol, including one arrest for use and possession of crack cocaine. It has also been implied that he has been known to solicit prostitutes. I have obtained copies of his tax returns dating back to 1990 and I can tell you that there are some troubling discrepancies in the way that they were prepared. It has also been rumored that he is a product of some ghastly indiscretions that took place between his mother and her own father. It has also been rumored that the same indiscretions took place between he and his daughter. It pains me to resort to this brand of disclosure, but you deserve to know the truth. I expect after you evaluate all the facts you will come to the right decision. Sincerely, Wellington Farnsworth III

Alex’s Agent (3)

I hope you realize what would happen if we accepted their offer. Your column will be buried somewhere in the back of the paper next to some meaningless article about the inconsistencies of the trash removal system, and when someone finally does stumble upon it they will find that you always come in second in a two man race. They have an agenda, and it sure as hell has nothing to do with giving anyone on the right an equal chance to accurately present their side. They say they want to promote thought. What they really want to do is promote thought control, so no one could even think about standing up to them. They say they don’t want to promote hatred, but if you don’t hate Bush, or Rush Limbaugh you can’t be one of them. Their main body of readers, as he put it, is dwindling by the day. The only people that even read that paper are wannabe intellectuals that struggle through those boring articles in the hope that they will be accepted by some elite crowd that convinced them that their way is the only way. My advice is to reject their offer.

Wellington Farnsworth III (2)

The encounters I have had with your agent have left me irritated, and exasperated to say the least. I fear he may be leading you in the wrong direction. You have a natural gift that makes people want to appreciate the issues that challenge our convictions, and exhibit them in a way that I’m sure will be palatable to the main body of our readers. You do need a bit more polish, but we can easily take care of that once you have established yourself here as part of our team. We would like to give you and George a daily spot in our paper. You can present your view, and George can present his view, and let the readers come to a decision. There will be no need to be anything but civil, we are not interested in sensationalizing these discussions. We want to invoke passion not anger, promote thought not hatred. Good day.

Alex’s Agent (2)

I have good news and bad news. The good news is they love you, they love what you’re doing, and there’s allot of potential here. The bad news is you’re just not ready for prime time. They want to see the people react to what you say, stir up their emotions, make them angry, rub them the wrong way, find that raw nerve that drives them crazy and keep hitting it. Rush Limbaugh for example uses something like this; Liberals hate themselves because they know who they really are. When they see someone that has a true belief that morals are important and tries to live within these guidelines, they feel threatened by it, so they will do what ever they can to destroy anyone that thinks that way, then drag them down to misery where they choose to be. When they finally do ruin someone, now they can laugh and point their finger and say, you see, you’re no better than I am. This is why they’re always looking for a cause like Haiti to prove to themselves and everyone else that they care about others, all the time knowing the truth about who they really are. Stuff like that is pure fuck'n gold that’s why he makes the big bucks.

Alex’s Agent (1)

I believe a book deal is on the way. We need to start compiling some of your sayings and Quotes. The American people need to know more about your vision and the direction you want to take this country.

Wellington Farnsworth III (1)

Currently I hold the position of chairman of the board of directors of the New York Times. I’ve been monitoring this comment section of The Register Citizen for some time now. I’m particularly impressed with the intuitive insights, and the profound comprehension of today’s complex issues, displayed day to day using the point counterpoint technique. Principally but not exclusively by Alex and George. These provocative, thought inspiring discussions are reminiscent of the historical and sometimes heated debates between William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal. You chaps have made my colleagues and I sit up and take notice. Bravo!

Those damn Boy Scouts

Those damn Boy Scouts are at it again, always causing trouble for the gays. Somebody probably brought them up to believe in family values or something silly like that, that’s where the real problem is, it’s the people that believe in God. The ones that think morals and virtue are important qualities and try to live their lives in that way. I think the Boy Scouts will have to start teaching their people that family values, virtue, and morals are not as important as the gay way of life, because if enough people believe in these traits it will automatically interfere with the gay lifestyle and they know that. So we have to get rid of God and anything else that doesn’t fit in with the gay way of thinking. Everyone will just have to change the way they are until the gays say it’s OK.