Friday, August 20, 2010

Blame The Parents

When your child is sent off to school, you as a parent want to believe that the school system will be looking out for your child’s best interest, but that’s not the reality. School is our first encounter with government. Government is run by people that got their positions by arrangement, in other words if your child is someone that was chosen to fail so the ones running system can get bigger and more powerful, and so they will never lose there position, then that’s not really in your child’s best interest. When your child comes home after a horrible experience at school, and is now traumatized, and has to live the rest of their life with a problem that was inflicted upon them, not because the child deserved it, or to teach the child a lesson that will ultimately benefit the child’s life, but to keep this person doing something over and over again in order to make life easier for the ones that decided to go along with it. In many cases the ones that are targeted are the ones that are important because they have a natural way of straightening things out, so in order to get it working the way they want it to they will create what they call a paper prison. The paper prison starts in school, and then it is expanded to other parts of government, such as the Military and Judicial, and then to the corporations, which is the department of labor. So now the government is saying that this is who and what you are, now you have to fight with the government to try to fix what they did. The Teachers Union (among others) know what they have in place so they can hold the system hostage until their demands are met. Knowledge is power, and they know what they did to your child.

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