Monday, August 30, 2010

To The Real Issue

To The Real Issue wrote on Aug 27, 2010 3:45 PM:
" So how do the media and Democrats benefit from this? You don't really say. Seems to me it's the conservatives who are full of all the outrage over the community center and keep bringing it up, not the Democrats and media forcing anything down anybody's throat. Jews are supporting this project, too. Here are some links to support this.,0,4584604.story "

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you pointed out that the “Jews are supporting this project, too” tells me that you haven’t a clue as to what it is that I am saying. The media and the Democrats, and all of the others that support the socialist point of view benefit from this because of what it is. It’s a knockout punch, and they set it up on all of us so we have to do what they tell us to do, and that includes what we think, and say. If you ever grow out of that liberal way of thinking, and graduate to the conservative way. Then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about because now they’ll be doing it to you. Who was it that said, “If you’re not a liberal by the time you are twenty then you have no heart, and if you don’t become a conservative by the time you are forty then you have no brains.” It may have been Winston Churchill, but I’m not sure.
