Monday, August 30, 2010

The Real Issue

The problem I have with building the Mosque so close to ground zero has nothing to do with anti Muslim sentiment. It has to do with the resentment, bitterness, and hatred that this issue is intended to create. The Jews and the Muslims have a mutual detestation for one another that started back when God was a baby, and it’s something we all know is there but few of us really understand the full implications of what this is actually all about. The best way to see through this contrived scheme is to try to figure out who is going to benefit from it. When the media and the Democrats are all trying to force something down your throat, there’s a reason for it, and the reason usually has to do with making themselves bigger and more powerful at our expense.
The Middle East is constantly embroiled in aggressive hostilities, so there is a never-ending threat looming over them at all times. Do we really want to initiate that sort of situation in our own living room? Once you can see this issue for what it is, then we can all agree, that we won’t let that happen here, not now, not ever.

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