Friday, June 18, 2010

How I would describe him

Lowell Weicker Described by Time magazine as the gutsiest governor in America. That’s not exactly how I would describe him. He was elected as governor because he told the people what they wanted to hear, he promised no tax increases, then as soon as he was elected he raised the taxes like he said he wouldn’t do, the people of Connecticut remembered that on election day. He made a big name for himself during the Nixon administration by turning on his own party, he was so enthusiastic about exposing the corruption in the white house, not because he cared or believed Nixon was that bad, but because he knew his name would become a household word. The countries perception of him was that of a maverick that does the right thing even if it means going against his own party. If you really think about it, what Nixon did was fairly tame compared to some of the things that Clinton did, and I’m not talking about the Lewinsky scandal. So we as Americans take the whole Watergate scandal at face value because we have to for some reason. If we ever rationally thought about it we would see it for what it is, propaganda. Nixon’s biggest crime was that he wasn’t on top of things enough to see that he was being set up, he gave in to the left more than he should have, thinking that he would be perceived as a reasonable president. The Democrats saw him as naive and weak, they set him up and have been gorging themselves on political blood ever since.

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