Friday, June 4, 2010

Wellington Farnsworth III (final)

I have been informed that your agent has advised you to decline the offer we have made you. I completely understand, as you are someone with an extraordinary talent, and very much in demand. Therefore, you undoubtedly have numerous options set before you. However, allow me to point out that your agent has never attended a college, and has no degree of any kind. Consequently, he may not have the intellect to discern the true ramifications of the decision he wishes you to make. Because this decision is of the utmost importance to you, I took the liberty of having your agent looked into and found him to be somewhat of a dubious character. He has been arrested a number of times mostly involving drugs and alcohol, including one arrest for use and possession of crack cocaine. It has also been implied that he has been known to solicit prostitutes. I have obtained copies of his tax returns dating back to 1990 and I can tell you that there are some troubling discrepancies in the way that they were prepared. It has also been rumored that he is a product of some ghastly indiscretions that took place between his mother and her own father. It has also been rumored that the same indiscretions took place between he and his daughter. It pains me to resort to this brand of disclosure, but you deserve to know the truth. I expect after you evaluate all the facts you will come to the right decision. Sincerely, Wellington Farnsworth III

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