Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Animal Farm"

It's nice to know that there are others out there that believe as I do. I'm assuming that Mary Ann Hollihan was referring to George Orwell’s "Animal Farm" when she said some pigs are more equal than others. Socialism is a constant looming threat that truly scares me, and because of the way that system works it’s extremely difficult to eradicate once the basics of that system have been established, and it continues to expand and grow because of the way it sets itself up. Socialism is kind of like alcoholism, just as alcoholism tells you that you have no problem while it’s destroying your life, and you’ll do anything to protect it. Socialism works in the same manner; it tells you that it promotes true equality when in actuality it employs demagoguery that divides the population in order to make a more powerful machine, and it gets everyone to support a system that constricts, and controls their thinking. It’s great for the ones running it, but for everyone else it’s just a different kind of captivity.

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