Friday, September 3, 2010

It's A Two Way Street

I’m wondering. Would you write an article like this if Bush were president? I agree about trashing a president, but if the democrats were more mindful about the welfare of this country then Clinton would have resigned his position rather than putting our country through the embarrassment of the impeachment proceedings. Please if anyone comes back with it was just sex, that might be enough to cause me to throw up. Nixon stepped down because he didn’t want our country to suffer as a result of the Watergate scandal. Before you all get up in arms about this perspective that is rarely put forth, remember when J.F. Kennedy won the presidency under the controversial suspicion of voter fraud, and the evidence was compelling enough that if Nixon had pushed for a full investigation he probably would have won the presidency. Nixon being the terrible person that he was, decided that our country’s welfare was more important that his own ambitions, so he conceded the election to Kennedy. Of course we never hear that side of the story, we only hear what a terrible person he was.

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