Monday, August 30, 2010

To The Fundamental Truths-2

" And you sir/ma'am must at some point come to the realization that we are not a Christian nation. Our founding fathers did not say this was a christian nation,their forefathers left England to escape having A religion foisted on them. Our second president John Adams in 1790 was very specific on this point,in a treaty with Libya he said the United States was not a Christian nation,nor a Jewish or Muslim nations but all of those. You are trying to make this country into something it was never meant to be ,a one religion nation. You are a Nazi who will not tolerate others and is doing your best to eliminate all those others. "

1 comment:

  1. You sir or ma’am have a good line of crap that you try to sell to the American people, under the guise of the voice of reason. When you spread your contemptuous ideology it erodes the fabric of common decency that keeps our country safe and secure. You act as though you are correcting an injustice with your glib educated rhetoric, but in the end it is you that creates an injustice by distorting the nature of the Christian principle. This country is predominantly Christian and you are the one that made an issue of this, not me. I know why you brought it up as if I was forcing that view upon everyone, and it’s for the same reason that you made those bogus accusations against me in the previous comment. It‘s a maneuver designed to muddy up the water so now it all sounds like trash. Another common ploy of the liberal socialist Democrat. Since you haven’t denied that this is who and what you are, then that almost says it all right there. Does it not?
