Saturday, July 3, 2010

Faith In God

I'm a Christian and I believe that my faith is under attack at all times. However when the Democrats get into power it’s a constant barrage of destructive negativity aimed at the Christian faith, not the Jews, or the Muslims or any other faith. Why? It’s for the reason that the Democrats overwhelmingly lean toward socialism, socialists mostly lean toward atheism and not just here in the United States, but all around the world. Religion is somewhat of a problem for the socialists because some of these religions can’t be bought, and are big enough to keep them from just doing what they want to do. Thank God for that! If they had their way they would have us worship them, and in effect they become our gods. So by saying that I believe in God, we are saying, I’m putting my faith in what God stands for, so truth will prevail, justice will prevail and family values, virtue, honor and integrity are seen in a positive light. By putting your faith in God you are empowering the concept of what he stands for, and not anything made from this earth, so don't be afraid to stand up and fight for his good name. It's the good fight and it's an honor to say that Jesus Christ gave his life, so I might know the truth.

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