Although it’s only a hypothesis at this time my colleagues and I are in absolute agreement that a chemically induced psychosis may be at the very precipice of this controversy. My esteemed colleagues, and I decline to say whether or not the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol will initiate the same psychotic behavior in all that suffer from a bipolar disorder. Since this point cannot be established, we can only speculate as to what the different effects may be when the combination of drugs interact, and of course the drugs I’m referring to are the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in conjunction with the psychotropic medication that has been prescribed by a licensed physician.
This brings into question a number of other variables that must be considered, and studied in order to determine the true nature of his or her psyche. For instance a masochist may display various identifiable attributes including the idiosyncratic characteristic of one who is overtly submissive up to, and altogether exceeding the point of self-denial. It is a very sad form of self destruction. Then, if these symptoms are not recognized in time the possibility exists that the condition could elevate to the next level wherein the individual may begin to cause harm to his or herself by physically inflicting wounds. Bare in mind that this is symptomatic of the submissive masochist that has either never been through clinical therapy, or has been improperly treated, and possibly misdiagnosed by one of the many pretentious quacks we have in the medical field today.
The sociopath’s mental composition is almost a perfect inversion to that of the masochist as he or she would never consider hurting themselves, which means they would only hurt others. Commonly the sociopath will surreptitiously exhibit an avid propensity to hurt others with an extreme aversion that inevitably culminates to the illusion of omnipotence, grandiosity, and possibly sexual exultation. Although the sociopath can be an acutely dangerous individual, you must try to remember that their aggression signifies the affirmation of the sociopath’s unbridled opprobrious fear that has been suppressed. It is the fear, and disdain of the person that they’ve become. This is the driving motivation that compels the sociopath to hurt others in an attempt to appease some profound, insufferable hatred that has developed in regard to their own individuality. It is this abhorrent image of their own desecrated identity that prompts the sociopath to execute a never ending series of aberrant rituals, and habitual maneuvers to effect a constant implacable subterfuge, so as to keep from ever being exposed. Also to prevent themselves from being forced to see the person that they are. It’s an aberration that they cannot bear to look at. So behind their facade of a monster lies a scared little bunny rabbit.
It is my professional opinion that we must take the time to relax, smoke a joint, and forget about all of this garbage.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Zombies don’t really scare me much, I suppose I should be scared, but for some reason they don’t affect me like that. The smell of rotting flesh, and their insatiable need to destroy every living thing they come in contact with is an obvious nuisance to our society, and it has been identified as a genuine problem, not only here, but all around the world. How can we contain or regulate this antisocial behavior?
It is my opinion that the problem should first be recognized as a disease, and preventive measures must be made in an attempt to discover the underlying problem that allowed these ordinary everyday people to choose or accept this fate. Does their environmental upbringing contribute to the result of this undead plight that our communities are left to deal with? What is the definitive reason that these individuals decided to turn their life into such a hopeless scenario that the chance of ever restoring their life back to what could be considered normal is almost nonexistent? What made them think that heroin wouldn’t turn them into the same zombies that it turns everyone else into? There are many questions, and few answers.
It is my opinion that the problem should first be recognized as a disease, and preventive measures must be made in an attempt to discover the underlying problem that allowed these ordinary everyday people to choose or accept this fate. Does their environmental upbringing contribute to the result of this undead plight that our communities are left to deal with? What is the definitive reason that these individuals decided to turn their life into such a hopeless scenario that the chance of ever restoring their life back to what could be considered normal is almost nonexistent? What made them think that heroin wouldn’t turn them into the same zombies that it turns everyone else into? There are many questions, and few answers.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Republicans Cheer Up
Republicans cheer up, and try to remember that this area is vital to the survival of the Democrat’s system. It’s one of their most important strong holds, and since they had to work extra hard to keep it this time it caused them to expend an exorbitant amount of time, energy and money to maintain control of their strong hold states where victory is usually considered to be a certainty, and it allowed the Republicans to sweep the rest of the country.
The Republicans took sixty four seats in the house, the most since Roosevelt in “1938”, and six in the senate, which isn’t too bad either, and we took eleven gubernatorial seats away from the Democrats. The Democrats all puff out their chests around here as if they actually won. I guess they’re just looking for that silver lining, but in this case it’s more like a filament fiber, or a delicate silver strand and that’s all they need to convince themselves that they did in fact over come the Republican onslaught so as not to lose this state with it’s whopping total of seven electoral votes.
What I’m saying is, we did our part, and should be proud of the fact that we helped to cause these Democrats to scurry around like a bunch of second graders at recess, which aided in securing the real victory. It’s the victory that the Democrats would rather not look at. Well done!
The Republicans took sixty four seats in the house, the most since Roosevelt in “1938”, and six in the senate, which isn’t too bad either, and we took eleven gubernatorial seats away from the Democrats. The Democrats all puff out their chests around here as if they actually won. I guess they’re just looking for that silver lining, but in this case it’s more like a filament fiber, or a delicate silver strand and that’s all they need to convince themselves that they did in fact over come the Republican onslaught so as not to lose this state with it’s whopping total of seven electoral votes.
What I’m saying is, we did our part, and should be proud of the fact that we helped to cause these Democrats to scurry around like a bunch of second graders at recess, which aided in securing the real victory. It’s the victory that the Democrats would rather not look at. Well done!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Christine O'Donnell beat Mike Castle
Christine O'Donnell beat Mike Castle, a nine-term U.S. representative, in Delaware’s Republican primary for the U.S. Senate. Mike Castle was, and still is the Republican establishments pick to run for that Senate seat. Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer both came out against her saying she’s unelectable, although I hold both of these men in high regard, I have to disagree with their stance.
If Christine O'Donnell won the nomination, and it was won because the voting body of the Republicans liked her message, (and not because of any Democrat intervention) then the Republican establishment should heed this signal, and embrace it for the good of the party, and also give her the support that she has earned. Even if she loses the Senate race it could still be a victory of sorts, if the Republican establishment listens to what these dissatisfied Republicans are trying to tell them.
If Christine O'Donnell won the nomination, and it was won because the voting body of the Republicans liked her message, (and not because of any Democrat intervention) then the Republican establishment should heed this signal, and embrace it for the good of the party, and also give her the support that she has earned. Even if she loses the Senate race it could still be a victory of sorts, if the Republican establishment listens to what these dissatisfied Republicans are trying to tell them.
Christine O'Donnell
I understand that Christine O'Donnell has split the Republican Party (the true conservatives from the Republican establishment) Ordinarily I would consider that a problem, being a conservative and a Republican supporter. However in this case I think that it breathes new life into a party that’s perceived by the general public to be a bunch of old guys that are reluctant to accept new ideas. The thought of traditional values to some is like being condemned to a life of restricted supervision, and it’s presented in such a way that it typically prompts us to rebel against it. By putting a young attractive face on these conventional long-established principals by someone that really believes that this is the best approach for country’s future could quite possibly encourage others to follow suite.
Christians in a box
When you think about how the Democrats do everything possible to destroy the Christian faith, it has to make you realize that there’s something enormous at stake here. As soon as they get into power the airwaves are bombarding us with documentaries, intellectual arguments, and even comedians, are all shooting down the Christian faith. I believe it’s because the system that they want in place is contrary to what the Christian faith will allow. So in order to set up their system the way they want it, they have to put the Christians in a box, or contain them, otherwise they will be subject to Christian justice and because of the way their system works the two systems cannot coincide. So what I’m saying is that anyone that wants this socialist system in place can’t really be a Christian, because one of the most important laws of the Christian faith is that God can’t be trumped by anything, yet we’re the ones that are the hypocrites. Just ask them.
2010 Midterm Elections
The reality is that an equal portion of left and right makes a strong constitution. If you look back at when Clinton lost both the house and senate to the Republicans our country was able to enjoy some prosperity, but before that he couldn’t get anything done. The genius of Dick Morris’s triangulation strategy was to pass the Republican agenda and take credit for it. Then the Bush administration just about had it all, they had control of the Executive, Judicial, the House and Senate, and they still couldn’t get anything done. After the Bush administration lost the house and the senate to the Democrats things didn’t get any better, so hopefully Obama will end up doing what Clinton did and maybe we can get this country back on track. Charles Krauthammer says that the Republicans are in a beautiful position politically because they have enough power to enforce their position but not enough to take the blame for any failures that the Obama administration might have, and this could be good, or end up being just more of the same. We’ll just have to wait and see.
"Animal Farm"
It's nice to know that there are others out there that believe as I do. I'm assuming that Mary Ann Hollihan was referring to George Orwell’s "Animal Farm" when she said some pigs are more equal than others. Socialism is a constant looming threat that truly scares me, and because of the way that system works it’s extremely difficult to eradicate once the basics of that system have been established, and it continues to expand and grow because of the way it sets itself up. Socialism is kind of like alcoholism, just as alcoholism tells you that you have no problem while it’s destroying your life, and you’ll do anything to protect it. Socialism works in the same manner; it tells you that it promotes true equality when in actuality it employs demagoguery that divides the population in order to make a more powerful machine, and it gets everyone to support a system that constricts, and controls their thinking. It’s great for the ones running it, but for everyone else it’s just a different kind of captivity.
Ralph Nader The Armchair Quarterback
An armchair quarterback is someone that sits on the sidelines or in front of the tube criticizing the decisions and the performance of the players and the coaching staff. They always know exactly what mistakes were made that caused their team to lose. More often then not, if one of these self proclaimed expert strategists were given the opportunity to call the shots in the big game they would undoubtedly fall right down their face, and most of them know it. It’s so easy to point out all that is wrong with this party or that party, and sometimes these guys bring up some very good points that should be considered, but don’t give them too much credit for their hindsight evaluations. If the Teaparty is able to help promote or enforce the values and the standards that the Republicans are supposed to stand for, then how can that be a bad thing? If the Republicans lived up to what they are supposed to stand for it would correct about eighty five percent of the problems. I don’t trust people that try to convince everyone that they have all the answers. That’s why I don’t trust Ralph Nader!
There’s madness to this method
Chris Powell, I’m not sure if you should be commended or reprimanded for your choice to over look that eight hundred pound guerrilla in our living room. Something stinks about the way things unfolded here in Connecticut before, during, and after the elections.
Obama came here to stump for his party members down in Bridgeport, and was received with less than a supportive greeting from the constituents of Connecticut. He was heckled and booed and was forced to stop his verbal proclamation in order to try to defend his claim that the previous administration was to blame for all of our country’s current woes.
We’ve all been made aware of the reverse 911 calls, the fact that the polls were allowed to stay open late on Election Day, and the mysterious bags of voting ballots that turned up. Even though Bridgeport is the focal point there are other areas of the state that also had suspicious occurrences that were brought to light.
That seems to be the accepted established legacy of the “Kennedy – Daley” political method that we’ve all come to know and expect. If you can’t prove it, then it’s just another conspiracy theory, it’s time to move on. If we dig too deeply into this it could cause a terrible disaster that will end up being something our country will have a hard time recovering from.
So we’ll just keep it as another conspiracy theory, because the ones on top probably already approved this one anyway. Conspiracy theories are useful because it keeps everyone baffled and confused, and that’s what politics is all about, keeping everyone confused, puzzled, and perplexed. Once they get that going they can start to use it to create different types of stress that leads to anxiety, that leads to mild to serious medical conditions, and that keeps the medical industry going, and it’s a sure way to jump start our economy. Do you understand how it works now? It does work, it just doesn’t work for you and me, but it works great for somebody. There’s madness to this method, and we’ve all adopted it as the Status Quo.
Obama came here to stump for his party members down in Bridgeport, and was received with less than a supportive greeting from the constituents of Connecticut. He was heckled and booed and was forced to stop his verbal proclamation in order to try to defend his claim that the previous administration was to blame for all of our country’s current woes.
We’ve all been made aware of the reverse 911 calls, the fact that the polls were allowed to stay open late on Election Day, and the mysterious bags of voting ballots that turned up. Even though Bridgeport is the focal point there are other areas of the state that also had suspicious occurrences that were brought to light.
That seems to be the accepted established legacy of the “Kennedy – Daley” political method that we’ve all come to know and expect. If you can’t prove it, then it’s just another conspiracy theory, it’s time to move on. If we dig too deeply into this it could cause a terrible disaster that will end up being something our country will have a hard time recovering from.
So we’ll just keep it as another conspiracy theory, because the ones on top probably already approved this one anyway. Conspiracy theories are useful because it keeps everyone baffled and confused, and that’s what politics is all about, keeping everyone confused, puzzled, and perplexed. Once they get that going they can start to use it to create different types of stress that leads to anxiety, that leads to mild to serious medical conditions, and that keeps the medical industry going, and it’s a sure way to jump start our economy. Do you understand how it works now? It does work, it just doesn’t work for you and me, but it works great for somebody. There’s madness to this method, and we’ve all adopted it as the Status Quo.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Real Superhero
This whole argument about which superhero is the best must some sort of scheme to get the public to accept the notion that they’re all basically in the same class, and they’re not. Superman is the only real superhero, and all of the others are comparatively close to each other, but nothing like Superman. They all have some pretty cool tricks I’ll grant you that, but most of them rely on man made gismos and gadgets in order to emulate what Superman is naturally.
Batman is an exceedingly wealthy man that gets his kicks by buying state of the art gismos so he can continually save Gotham City from some Joker that’s probably on his payroll anyway. Far be it for me to psycho analyze one of our country’s greatest superheroes, but I’m compelled to suggest that he spends his time and money to create the image of Batman in an attempt to appease some deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy, probably due to the fact that he never had to work for anything.
I have more respect for Spiderman, but again, he falls considerably short, and in no way can compare to the “Man of Steel.” However he does utilize natural gifts, and doesn’t have to rely on man made contraptions.
Iron Man is almost something we could all get behind, but there’s one problem, and that is that there’s a man inside the robot, get rid of the man and keep the robot. Then you’ll have something there.
What’s up with Mr. Incredible? We should call him Mr.Uncredible because he is just a cartoon. That means he has a credibility issue. Until he makes it onto the silver screen so we can all see him portrayed by a living breathing human being. How can we really take him seriously? We can’t! There are many other superheroes that we all look up to, but there’s only one Superman.
Batman is an exceedingly wealthy man that gets his kicks by buying state of the art gismos so he can continually save Gotham City from some Joker that’s probably on his payroll anyway. Far be it for me to psycho analyze one of our country’s greatest superheroes, but I’m compelled to suggest that he spends his time and money to create the image of Batman in an attempt to appease some deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy, probably due to the fact that he never had to work for anything.
I have more respect for Spiderman, but again, he falls considerably short, and in no way can compare to the “Man of Steel.” However he does utilize natural gifts, and doesn’t have to rely on man made contraptions.
Iron Man is almost something we could all get behind, but there’s one problem, and that is that there’s a man inside the robot, get rid of the man and keep the robot. Then you’ll have something there.
What’s up with Mr. Incredible? We should call him Mr.Uncredible because he is just a cartoon. That means he has a credibility issue. Until he makes it onto the silver screen so we can all see him portrayed by a living breathing human being. How can we really take him seriously? We can’t! There are many other superheroes that we all look up to, but there’s only one Superman.
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