Monday, August 30, 2010
To The Fundamental Truths-3
" Why must you always sink to common street talk. I have said it a dozen times and will say it again this is not a christian country never was never will be. White people will be a minority in time and you must learn to deal with that. Religion has been the cause of so many wars and with people like you it will continue to be so. Why can you not practice your religion and leave the rest of the world alone. Just what is the Christian principle? "
To The Fundamental Truths-2
" And you sir/ma'am must at some point come to the realization that we are not a Christian nation. Our founding fathers did not say this was a christian nation,their forefathers left England to escape having A religion foisted on them. Our second president John Adams in 1790 was very specific on this point,in a treaty with Libya he said the United States was not a Christian nation,nor a Jewish or Muslim nations but all of those. You are trying to make this country into something it was never meant to be ,a one religion nation. You are a Nazi who will not tolerate others and is doing your best to eliminate all those others. "
To The Fundamental Truths-1
" You sir/her are the one being intolerant of other people and how they worship ,not me. God has a place for all of us and your rallies,speeches, damnation of others will not work. You have lost the battle you so valiantly fought to keep blacks as slaves with no religion, to keep Mexican's with thier Catholicism out,now Muslims and their beliefs. In a couple of generations white christians will be the minority then what? Religious intolarence is unacceptable. Teach our children about all religions in school or teach them none but just Christianity is unacceptable. "
The Fundamental Truth
Morals and traditional values are like guard rails on the road through life. Our moral conscience tells us when we are doing wrong, when we wrong someone there will be consequences for these actions, there’s also a powerful force that tells us it’s alright to do these things while making us believe that we’ll be better off for doing it. By constantly shooting down Christianity it allows this other force to take control. The Muslims are well aware of the damage that this power can cause, which is why they exercise Sharia law, so that dark force can’t take over.
As Christians we consider free will to be the defining trial, which will inevitably test each and every one of us, so if we instill a strong moral conviction in our people, we’ll have a better chance to triumph over this negative force and hopefully prevent our people from being lead astray.
Until we the people of the United States of America come to the realization that morals, virtue, and traditional values are the key to a healthy mind, and spirit. I guess we‘ll just have to endure these gross distortions of the fundamental truth when they try to tell us all that good is bad, and bad is good.
The previous commenter says that it’s important to keep these values out of our schools. Why? What’s their motive? They have an agenda, and it’s always the Democrats that push this distorted view of the Christian faith, it’s only when they’re romancing the vote that their vile definition of who we are as Christians changes toward the positive, and it’s always too little, too late.
As Christians we consider free will to be the defining trial, which will inevitably test each and every one of us, so if we instill a strong moral conviction in our people, we’ll have a better chance to triumph over this negative force and hopefully prevent our people from being lead astray.
Until we the people of the United States of America come to the realization that morals, virtue, and traditional values are the key to a healthy mind, and spirit. I guess we‘ll just have to endure these gross distortions of the fundamental truth when they try to tell us all that good is bad, and bad is good.
The previous commenter says that it’s important to keep these values out of our schools. Why? What’s their motive? They have an agenda, and it’s always the Democrats that push this distorted view of the Christian faith, it’s only when they’re romancing the vote that their vile definition of who we are as Christians changes toward the positive, and it’s always too little, too late.
To The Real Issue
To The Real Issue wrote on Aug 27, 2010 3:45 PM:
" So how do the media and Democrats benefit from this? You don't really say. Seems to me it's the conservatives who are full of all the outrage over the community center and keep bringing it up, not the Democrats and media forcing anything down anybody's throat. Jews are supporting this project, too. Here are some links to support this.,0,4584604.story "
" So how do the media and Democrats benefit from this? You don't really say. Seems to me it's the conservatives who are full of all the outrage over the community center and keep bringing it up, not the Democrats and media forcing anything down anybody's throat. Jews are supporting this project, too. Here are some links to support this.,0,4584604.story "
The Real Issue
The problem I have with building the Mosque so close to ground zero has nothing to do with anti Muslim sentiment. It has to do with the resentment, bitterness, and hatred that this issue is intended to create. The Jews and the Muslims have a mutual detestation for one another that started back when God was a baby, and it’s something we all know is there but few of us really understand the full implications of what this is actually all about. The best way to see through this contrived scheme is to try to figure out who is going to benefit from it. When the media and the Democrats are all trying to force something down your throat, there’s a reason for it, and the reason usually has to do with making themselves bigger and more powerful at our expense.
The Middle East is constantly embroiled in aggressive hostilities, so there is a never-ending threat looming over them at all times. Do we really want to initiate that sort of situation in our own living room? Once you can see this issue for what it is, then we can all agree, that we won’t let that happen here, not now, not ever.
The Middle East is constantly embroiled in aggressive hostilities, so there is a never-ending threat looming over them at all times. Do we really want to initiate that sort of situation in our own living room? Once you can see this issue for what it is, then we can all agree, that we won’t let that happen here, not now, not ever.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque - A Political Weapon
Why is opposing that site for a Mosque evil? It's obvious to me that this is intended to be a political weapon that will ultimately increase tensions between the Muslim people and the rest of us. It will not be beneficial to any of the common folks on either side. The ones pushing for this may not be the Muslims as much as the Jews. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
It's OK If I Do It
I'm sure there are many ways of using the states database that would enable the state officials to profit or maybe gain an advantage in their personal lives. I suppose it’s a very common practice, and I’m certain that anyone that has access to the states database that uses it in that way can cause a problem in someone’s life, then go back and remove the entry once they accomplish what they set out to do. There has to be hundreds upon hundreds of ways and variations of doing such things that the state police, and dept. of Justice, and all of the other government departments and agencies know about, but will never tell us. Lots of people see the way our government is run and it makes many of us angry, because we know that something is very wrong, but we don’t know what it is. Well this is a good place to start looking.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Neo-Republican Pigs
Now everything is crystal clear. I was under the impression that the Democrats were keeping the whole race issue alive because it’s one of the best ways that they have of delivering a knockout punch. Since you were able to completely convince me that the Republicans are the ones responsible for all of this country’s hatred, intolerance and discrimination, I can now see why the race card is used only on the Republicans, or at least that’s the only time it really works. So the Republicans, being the hate mongers that they are, must be using this race card to put themselves in a bind and destroy other individuals that just happen to be Republicans. Before I read your article, I honestly believed that the Democrats were the sole beneficiary of all this hatred, intolerance and discrimination. Remember when that black guy was dragged to his death behind a truck in Texas, and all the left wing groups blamed Bush for it. Well at the time I thought that was a moronic notion, but after reading your article I can now see that Bush must have done that to show America that they can expect more of the same if he is elected president. I think I’m ready to switch back to the left, and it was your article that convinced me that it must be the Republicans causing all the problems.
Friday, August 20, 2010
These Teaballers as you put it are a direct response to the many activists groups organized by the left to cause trouble for the Republicans. Some of these left wing activists groups are among the nastiest groups that you’ll ever encounter. Rush Limbaugh was a single voice that echoed a very popular sentiment that was suppressed by the DNC, the media and all of these other left wing activist groups that put this country in a strangle hold using anything at there disposal in order to accomplish this underground high jacking of America, including dealing with our country’s worst enemies. So anyone that speaks out against the left to expose them for what they are, as Rush does, will be automatically held to a different standard, and their name will be dragged through the mud, demonized, and destroyed. The ones that know why it’s so important to ruin these people are the same ones that high jacked this country by using the networks and the media to control the thinking of the masses. If you ever ask any of these people that are controlled by this socialist propaganda machine, they will say something like, “What I don't understand is why so many people let themselves be the puppets.” Because they can’t see that they are being used and controlled, and it’s a scary situation once you can see it for what it is.
Blame The Parents
When your child is sent off to school, you as a parent want to believe that the school system will be looking out for your child’s best interest, but that’s not the reality. School is our first encounter with government. Government is run by people that got their positions by arrangement, in other words if your child is someone that was chosen to fail so the ones running system can get bigger and more powerful, and so they will never lose there position, then that’s not really in your child’s best interest. When your child comes home after a horrible experience at school, and is now traumatized, and has to live the rest of their life with a problem that was inflicted upon them, not because the child deserved it, or to teach the child a lesson that will ultimately benefit the child’s life, but to keep this person doing something over and over again in order to make life easier for the ones that decided to go along with it. In many cases the ones that are targeted are the ones that are important because they have a natural way of straightening things out, so in order to get it working the way they want it to they will create what they call a paper prison. The paper prison starts in school, and then it is expanded to other parts of government, such as the Military and Judicial, and then to the corporations, which is the department of labor. So now the government is saying that this is who and what you are, now you have to fight with the government to try to fix what they did. The Teachers Union (among others) know what they have in place so they can hold the system hostage until their demands are met. Knowledge is power, and they know what they did to your child.
Ground Zero
You’ll all have to excuse my ignorance. I assumed that The Ground Zero Mosque was close enough to Ground Zero to call it The Ground Zero Mosque. I had no idea that it was a whole two blocks away. I wonder if the top of the tower that crashed to the ground reached a whole two blocks away. Anyone that believes that this was a personal attack on Bush needs some serious counseling, or more nap time to rest their weary mind, and if I remember correctly Clinton sent a missile at the Sudan (Bin laden's hideout)at the same time Monica Lewinsky’s dress was sent out for DNA testing of the semen stains to show us that he's involved in important work and can't be bothered with such nonsense. The day the DNA results came back positive was the day that I got arrested for growing marijuana, so I have a very clear recollection of that day. It is their right under the Constitution to legally build a Mosque and practice their religion anywhere in this country, and it is also our right to prevent it from happening as long as we use the proper channels to do it. This is all common sense, but I understand this is a political tool that the Democrats are implementing. I would guess that they’re looking for another way to deliver a knockout punch, because that’s what they usually do. Maybe they’re going to put another strangle hold on us to make us all think and talk the way they want us to like they did last time with Clinton. I know they need their propaganda machine up and running before it’s too late, because time is running out for them. Auugh that’s to f’n bad!
Ground Zero Mosque
The Muslims do have a right to build a Mosque anywhere they want to in this country, but if enough of us say it is unacceptable because of what it represents, we can prevent it. I’m sure that there are many peace loving, admirable Muslims that want nothing more than to get along and fit in with our society, but they must take the steps necessary in order to gain the American peoples trust, such as speaking out against the extremists and being a whole lot more vocal about the despicable acts of terrorism that were committed against us in the name of Allah, and also condemn the actions and the ones responsible for these horrific crimes. They have the same rights as everyone else under the constitution, but we the people have the right to stand up and unite against something we all know is so obviously wrong that offends the essence of who we are as a people. If we stand together we can prevent this hairy wart from growing on our nose.
Ground Zero Mosque - Why stop there?
Maybe we should build some sort of monument to Japan at Pearl Harbor, and in Oklahoma City we can erect a statue of Timothy McVeigh, and name a candy bar after Lee Harvey Oswald, and a hospital after John Hinckley. I know what you're thinking, we can't do something like that without honoring our beloved mass murderers like Charles Manson (Chuck to his friends) we could nominate Chuck for the Nobel Peace Prize, but there is a lot of competition in that field. How about we simply all insist that a mosque is unacceptable!
A Rose By Any Other Name
If "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" Then why do you have to call it a marriage? Why can't you be happy with a civil union? I agree about your rights, but by trying to make everyone accept something they don't agree with, you are destroying an institution, and by doing that you are destroying the moral fiber of this country just so your convoluted view of the way life should be is accepted as the norm. So now you all become a political volleyball in a game where there is no such thing as out of bounds. Hooray for the Democrats!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 you believe in God?
Jordan please tell me that you didn’t quote Shakespeare to a ten-year-old child. I have great admiration for Shakespeare, but when your ten-year-old daughter asked you the question “do you believe in God?” then you answered her with the Shakespeare quote, “There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy” it was like saying I can’t answer that, because I know that I’m supposed to be teaching you the importance of morals, and values, yet I can’t, because I decided to be an intellectual, and my duty as an intellectual dictates that I must adhere to the method of thinking that I have adopted as the truth in order to fit in with my intellectual peers.
The subject of the existence of god is a tool, a mind bender that the department of education in conjunction with the rest of the leftists use on all of us in order to spread the mechanical design of socialism. So you as a loving father can no longer tell your daughter that God lives in your heart and my love for you is all the proof you’ll ever need that he is real.
The subject of the existence of god is a tool, a mind bender that the department of education in conjunction with the rest of the leftists use on all of us in order to spread the mechanical design of socialism. So you as a loving father can no longer tell your daughter that God lives in your heart and my love for you is all the proof you’ll ever need that he is real.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
What Would You Do Ralph?
I guess Ralph Nader doesn’t quite understand what’s really at stake here, thank your lucky stars that he will never be president. He’s one of those guys that knows everything about everything until it’s time to actually face the harsh reality of what it is we’re dealing with, it’s scary stuff. I believe that this is the weapon that we went over there to disarm or at least control. When you come to the realization that the heroin trade is one of the most powerful tools, and or weapons that this world has to offer, then you might be able to understand the many different ways this weapon can be used against us, and the affect it has on all of our lives. Therefore, if a terrorist group controls it, they can find backing from legitimate sources because they know that they can make their rivals, or enemies bend to their will. With that kind of backing, the only way to take that weapon away from them is to forcibly do it by waging war against the terrorists and take control of the heroin trade. Now we are able to use the weapon against the ones who were using it against us and see how they like it. If this is true, and common sense will tell you that it is. Then who’s telling us all the time we shouldn’t be over there, and why are they saying that, and what’s their stake in it? Consider the possibilities and you may figure something out.
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